Key publications
Recent preprints
Contributions to peer-refereed journals
Contributed work
Key publications
- Korka, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2019). Action Intention-based and Stimulus Regularity-based Predictions: Same or Different? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(12), 1917-1932. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Wetzel, N. (2018). Emotion lies in the eye of the listener: emotional arousal to novel sounds is reflected in the sympathetic contribution to the pupil dilation response and the P3. Biological Psychology, 133, 10-17. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Buttelmann, D., Schieler, A., & Widmann, A. (2016). Infant and adult pupil dilation in response to unexpected sounds. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(3), 382-392. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Maess, B. (2015). Digital filter design for electrophysiological data - a practical approach. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 250, 34-46. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Engbert, R., & Schröger, E. (2014). Microsaccadic responses indicate fast categorization of sounds: a novel approach to study auditory cognition. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(33), 11152-11158. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- SanMiguel, I., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N., & Schröger, E. (2013). Hearing silences: Human auditory processing relies on pre-activation of sound-specific brain activity patterns. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(20), 8633-8639. [Abstract, CrossRef]
Recent preprints
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A, Schöllkopf, U., Prigge, M., & Krauel, K. (2022). Pupil dilation as a marker of dysfunctional arousal regulation during sustained attention in children and adolescents with ADHD. [Full Text]
Contributions to peer-refereed journals
in press 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 1998in press
- Baragona, V., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (in press). Salient, unexpected omissions of sounds can involuntarily distract attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [Full Text]
- Widmann, A., Herrmann, B., & Scharf, F. (in press). Pupillometry is sensitive to speech masking during story listening: a commentary on the critical role of modeling temporal trends. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Gruner*, M., Widmann*, A., Wöhner, S., Schröger, E., & Jescheniak, J. D. (in press). Semantic context effects in picture and sound naming: Evidence from ERPs and pupillometric data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-21. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Tast, V., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2024). Suppression and omission effects in auditory predictive processing – Two of the same? European Journal of Neuroscience, 60(2), 4049-4062. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Dercksen, T. T., Widmann, A., Noesselt, T., & Wetzel, N. (2024). Somatosensory omissions reveal action-related predictive processing. Human Brain Mapping, 45(4), e26550. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Bonmassar, C., Scharf, F., Widmann, A., & Wetzel, N. (2023). On the relationship of arousal and attentional distraction by emotional novel sounds. Cognition, 237, 105470. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Dercksen, T. T., Widmann, A., & Wetzel, N. (2023). Salient omissions - pupil dilation in response to unexpected omissions of sound and touch. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1143931. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann*, A., & Schröger*, E. (2022). Intention-based predictive information modulates auditory deviance processing. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 995119. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Chung, W. Y., Darriba, Á., Korka, B., Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Waszak, F. (2022). Action effect predictions in ‘what’, ‘when’, and ‘whether’ intentional actions. Brain Research, 1791, 147992. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Volkmer, S., Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Scharf, F. (2022). Attentional control in middle childhood is highly dynamic - Strong initial distraction is followed by advanced attention control. Dev Sci, 25(6), e13275. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Mädebach*, A., Widmann*, A., Posch, M., Schröger, E., & Jescheniak, J. D. (2022). Hearing "Birch" Hampers Saying "Duck" – An ERP Study on Phonological Interference in Immediate and Delayed Word Production. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(8), 1397-1415. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Ríos-López, P., Widmann, A., Bidet-Caulet, A., & Wetzel, N. (2022). The effect of background speech on attentive sound processing: A pupil dilation study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 174, 47-56. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Scharf, F., Widmann, A., Bonmassar, C., & Wetzel, N. (2022). A tutorial on the use of temporal principal component analysis in developmental ERP research – Opportunities and challenges. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 101072. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Dercksen, T. T., Widmann, A., Scharf, F., & Wetzel, N. (2022). Sound omission related brain responses in children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 53, 101045. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Korka, B., Widmann, A., Waszak, F., Darriba, Á., & Schröger, E. (2022). The auditory brain in action: Intention determines predictive processing in the auditory system. A review of current paradigms and findings. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review(29), 321-342. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Kunke, D., & Widmann, A. (2021). Tablet PC use directly affects children's perception and attention. Scientific Reports, 11, 21215. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Stuckenberg, M. V., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2021). Modulation of early auditory processing by visual information: Prediction or bimodal integration? Atten Percept Psychophys, 83(4), 1538-1551. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Scharf, F. (2021). Distraction of attention by novel sounds in children declines fast. Sci Rep, 11(1), 5308. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Dercksen, T. T., Stuckenberg, M. V., Schröger, E., Wetzel, N., & Widmann, A. (2021). Cross-modal predictive processing depends on context rather than local contingencies. Psychophysiology, 58(6), e13811. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Korka, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2021). The encoding of stochastic regularities is facilitated by action-effect predictions. Sci Rep, 11(1), 6790. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Sering, K., Schröger, E., & Exner, C. (2021). Attentional Processing of Disgust and Fear and Its Relationship With Contamination-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: Stronger Response Urgency to Disgusting Stimuli in Disgust-Prone Individuals. Front Psychiatry, 12, 596557. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Korka, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2020). What exactly is missing here? The sensory processing of unpredictable omissions is modulated by the specificity of expected action-effects. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52(12), 4667-4683. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Fader, J., & Exner, C. (2020). Interpretation bias and contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms influence emotional intensity related to disgust and fear. PLoS One, 15(4), e0232362. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Dercksen, T. T., Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Wetzel, N. (2020). Omission related brain responses reflect specific and unspecific action-effect couplings. Neuroimage, 215, 116840. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Male, A., O'Shea, R. P., Schröger, E., Müller, D., Roeber, U., & Widmann, A. (2020). The quest for the genuine visual mismatch negativity (vMMN): Event-related potential indications of deviance detection for low-level visual features. Psychophysiology, 57(6), e13576. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Bonmassar, C., Widmann, A., & Wetzel, N. (2020). The impact of novelty and emotion on attention-related neuronal and pupil responses in children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 42, 100766. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Einhäuser, W., & Widmann, A. (2020). Picture-evoked changes in pupil size predict learning success in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192, 104787. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Korka, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2019). Action Intention-based and Stimulus Regularity-based Predictions: Same or Different? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(12), 1917-1932. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Stuckenberg, M. V., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2019). Presentation Probability of Visual-Auditory Pairs Modulates Visually Induced Auditory Predictions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(8), 1-16. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Scharf, F., & Widmann, A. (2019). Can't ignore-distraction by task-irrelevant sounds in early and middle childhood. Child Development, 90(6), 819-830. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Wetzel, N. (2018). Emotion lies in the eye of the listener: emotional arousal to novel sounds is reflected in the sympathetic contribution to the pupil dilation response and the P3. Biological Psychology, 133, 10-17. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Marzecová, A., Schettino, A., Widmann, A., SanMiguel, I., Kotz, S. A., & Schröger, E. (2018). Attentional gain is modulated by probabilistic feature expectations in a spatial cueing task: ERP evidence. Scientific Reports, 8, 54. [Full Text, Abstract, CrossRef]
- Buttelmann, D., Schieler, A., Wetzel, N., & Widmann, A. (2017). Infants' and adults' looking behavior does not indicate perceptual distraction for constrained modelled actions - An eye-tracking study. Infant Behav Dev, 47, 103-111. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Marzecova, A., Widmann, A., SanMiguel, I., Kotz, S. A., & Schröger, E. (2017). Interrelation of attention and prediction in visual processing: Effects of task-relevance and stimulus probability. Biological Psychology, 125, 76-90. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Jack, B. N., Widmann, A., O'Shea, R. P., Schröger, E., & Roeber, U. (2017). Brain activity from stimuli that are not perceived: Visual mismatch negativity during binocular rivalry suppression. Psychophysiology, 54, 775-763. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2016). Distraction by Novel and Pitch-Deviant Sounds in Children. Front Psychol, 7, 1949. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Maess, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2016). High-pass filters and baseline correction in M/EEG analysis. Commentary on: "How inappropriate high-pass filters can produce artefacts and incorrect conclusions in ERP studies of language and cognition". Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 266, 164-165. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Maess, B., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2016). High-pass filters and baseline correction in M/EEG analysis-continued discussion. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 266, 171-172. [Full Text, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Buttelmann, D., Schieler, A., & Widmann, A. (2016). Infant and adult pupil dilation in response to unexpected sounds. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(3), 382-392. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Max, C., Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Sussman, E. (2015). Effects of explicit knowledge and predictability on auditory distraction and target performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 98(2), 174-181. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Max, C., Widmann, A., Kotz, S. A., Schröger, E., & Wetzel, N. (2015). Distraction by emotional sounds: disentangling arousal benefits and orienting costs. Emotion, 15(4), 428-437. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., & Maess, B. (2015). Digital filter design for electrophysiological data - a practical approach. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 250, 34-46. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Pieszek, M., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2014). Separate and concurrent symbolic predictions of sound features are processed differently. Front Psychol, 5, 1295. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Engbert, R., & Schröger, E. (2014). Microsaccadic responses indicate fast categorization of sounds: a novel approach to study auditory cognition. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(33), 11152-11158. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Tavano, A., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N. J., & Schröger, E. (2014). Temporal regularity facilitates higher-order sensory predictions in fast auditory sequences. European Journal of Neuroscience, 39(2), 308-318. [Abstract, CrossRef]
- Saupe, K., Widmann, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N. J., & Schröger, E. (2013). Sensorial suppression of self-generated sounds and its dependence on attention. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 90(3), 300-310. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Szalardy, O., Winkler, I., Schröger, E., Widmann, A., & Bendixen, A. (2013). Foreground-background discrimination indicated by event-related brain potentials in a new auditory multistability paradigm. Psychophysiology, 50, 1239-1250. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (2013). The dissociation between the P3a event-related potential and behavioral distraction. Psychophysiology, 50, 920-930. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Müller, D., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2013). Object-related regularities are processed automatically: Evidence from the visual mismatch negativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 259. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- SanMiguel, I., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N., & Schröger, E. (2013). Hearing silences: Human auditory processing relies on pre-activation of sound-specific brain activity patterns. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(20), 8633-8639. [Abstract, CrossRef]
- Pieszek, M., Widmann, A., Gruber, T., & Schröger, E. (2013). The human brain maintains contradictory and redundant auditory sensory predictions. PLoS One, 8, e53634. [Full Text, Abstract, CrossRef]
- Reiche, M., Hartwigsen, G., Widmann, A., Saur, D., Schröger, E., & Bendixen, A. (2013). Involuntary attentional capture by speech and non-speech deviations: A combined behavioral - event-related potential study. Brain Research, 1490, 153-160. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2012). Filter effects and filter artifacts in the analysis of electrophysiological data. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 233. [Full Text, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., Tervaniemi, M., Pakarinen, S., & Kujala, T. (2012). Mapping symbols to sounds: electrophysiological correlates of the impaired reading process in dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 60. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2012). Distraction and facilitation - two faces of the same coin? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(3), 664-674. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2011). Processing of novel identifiability and duration in children and adults. Biological Psychology, 86(1), 39-49. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Ruhnau, P., Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). The modulation of auditory novelty processing by working memory load in school age children and adults: a combined behavioral and event-related potential study. BMC Neuroscience, 11, 126. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Kimura, M., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). Top-down attention affects sequential regularity representation in the human visual system. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77(2), 126-134. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Kimura, M., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). Human visual system automatically represents large-scale sequential regularities. Brain Research, 1317, 165-179. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Bäß, P., Widmann, A., Roye, A., Schröger, E., & Jacobsen, T. (2009). Attenuated human auditory middle latency response and evoked 40-Hz response to self-initiated sounds. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(7), 1514-1521. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2009). The cognitive control of distraction by novelty in children aged 7-8 and adults. Psychophysiology, 46(3), 607-616. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Roeber, U., Berti, S., Müller, D., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2009). Disentangling effects of auditory distraction and of stimulus-response sequence. Psychophysiology, 46, 425-438. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Saupe, K., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Müller, M. M., & Schröger, E. (2009). Effects of intermodal attention on the auditory steady-state response and the event-related potential. Psychophysiology, 46(2), 321-327. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Roeber, U., Widmann, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N. J., Herrmann, C. S., O'Shea, R. P., & Schröger, E. (2008). Early correlates of visual awareness in the human brain: time and place from event-related brain potentials. Journal of Vision, 8(3, 21), 1-12. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Gruber, T., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., & Schröger, E. (2007). Binding Symbols and Sounds: Evidence from Event-Related Oscillatory Gamma-Band Activity. Cerebral Cortex, 17(11), 2696-2702. [Full Text, Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Tervaniemi, M., Jacobsen, T., Röttger, S., Kujala, T., Widmann, A., Vainio, M., Näätänen, R., & Schröger, E. (2006). Selective tuning of cortical sound-feature processing by language experience. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(9), 2538-2541. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Widmann, A., Berti, S., & Schröger, E. (2006). The development of involuntary and voluntary attention from childhood to adulthood: a combined behavioral and event-related potential study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(10), 2191-2203. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Müller, D., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2005). Auditory streaming affects the processing of successive deviant and standard sounds. Psychophysiology, 42(6), 668-676. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Roeber, U., Berti, S., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2005). Response repetition vs. response change modulates behavioral and electrophysiological effects of distraction. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 22(3), 451-456. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Tervaniemi, M., Just, V., Koelsch, S., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2005). Pitch discrimination accuracy in musicians vs nonmusicians: an event-related potential and behavioral study. Experimental Brain Research, 161(1), 1-10. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Müller, D., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2005). Deviance-repetition effects as a function of stimulus feature, feature value variation, and timing: a mismatch negativity study. Biological Psychology, 68(1), 1-14. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Jacobsen, T., Horváth, J., Schröger, E., Lattner, S., Widmann, A., & Winkler, I. (2004). Pre-attentive auditory processing of lexicality. Brain and Language, 88(1), 54. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- De Baene, W., Vandierendonck, A., Leman, M., Widmann, A., & Tervaniemi, M. (2004). Roughness perception in sounds: behavioral and ERP evidence. Biological Psychology, 67, 319-330. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Widmann, A., Kujala, T., Tervaniemi, M., Kujala, A., & Schröger, E. (2004). From symbols to sounds: visual symbolic information activates sound representations. Psychophysiology, 41(5), 709-715. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Wetzel, N., Berti, S., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2004). Distraction and reorientation in children: a behavioral and ERP study. Neuroreport, 15(8), 1355-1358. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Grimm, S., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2004). Differential processing of duration changes within short and long sounds in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 356(2), 83-86. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- De Baene, W., Vandierendonck, A., Leman, M., Widmann, A., & Tervaniemi, M. (2003). Exploration of roughness by means of the Mismatch Negativity paradigm. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 170-172. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Roeber, U., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2003). Auditory distraction by duration and location deviants: a behavioral and event-related potential study. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research, 17(2), 347-357. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
- Schröger, E., & Widmann, A. (1998). Speeded responses to audiovisual signal changes result from bimodal integration. Psychophysiology, 35(6), 755-759. [Abstract, PubMed, CrossRef]
Contributed work
- Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Wetzel, N., Duwe, S., Engbert, R., & Schröger, E. (2015). Untersuchung der Chronometrie auditiver kognitiver Prozesse mittels Augenbewegungen. In S. Becker (Ed.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2015 (pp. 1224-1226). Berlin: DEGA. [Full Text]
- Widmann, A., Pieszek, M., Gruber, T., & Schröger, E. (2012). Verarbeitung widersprüchlicher und redundanter Vorhersagen im auditiven System. In H. Hanselka (Ed.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2012 (pp. 789-790). Berlin: DEGA. [Full Text]
- Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2010). Modulation initialer kortikaler Tonverarbeitung durch prädiktive Information. In M. Möser, B. Schulte-Fortkamp & M. Ochmann (Eds.), Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2010 (pp. 879-880). Berlin: DEGA. [Full Text]
- Schröger, E., Widmann, A., Kujala, K., Tervaniemi, M., Lachmann, T., Berti, S., & Schröger, H. (2004). Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung audiovisueller Verarbeitung bei Dyslexie. In Bericht zur 8. Tagung des Verbandes Dyslexie Schweiz am 12. Juni 2004, Zürich (pp. 45-49): Verband Dyslexie Schweiz.
- Roeber, U., Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (2001). Wer's nicht hören will, merkt's trotzdem. In A. Zimmer, K. Lange, K.-H. Bäuml, R. Loose, R. Scheuchenpflug, O. Tucha, R. Findl & C. Schneider (Eds.), Experimentelle Psychologie im Spannungsfeld von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen 2001 (pp. 487-491). Regensburg: Universitätsbibliothek [CD ROM]. [Abstract]
- Widmann, A., Scharf, B., & Schröger, E. (2000). Frequency and Location Discrimination: Which is Faster? In A. Schick, M. Meis & C. Reckhardt (Eds.), Contributions to Psychological Acoustics, Results of the Eight Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics (pp. 373-380). Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg. [Full Text, Abstract]
- Widmann, A., & Schröger, E. (1999). ERP indications for sustained and transient auditory attention with different lateralization cues. In T. Dau, V. Hohmann & B. Kollmeier (Eds.), Psychophysics, Physiology, and Models of Hearing (pp. 47-50). Singapur: World Scientific. [Abstract]
- Widmann, A., Steinberg, J., Bendixen, A., Friederici, A. D., Grimm, S., Gunter, T. C., Kotz, S. A., Müller, D., Roeber, U., Rübsamen, R., Weise, A., Wetzel, N., & Schröger, E. (Eds.). (2015). Error signal from the brain - 7th mismatch negativity conference. Leipzig: University of Leipzig. [Full Text]
- Widmann, A., Andersen, S. K., Friederici, A. D., Gunter, T. C., Kotz, S. A., Müller, M. M., & Schröger, E. (Eds.). (2009). 35. Arbeitstagung Psychophysiologie und Methodik. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag. [Full Text]
- Widmann, A., Schröger, E., Jacobsen, T., Gruber, T., Müller, M. M., Jescheniak, J., Friederici, A. D., Gunter, T. C., & Herrmann, C. S. (Eds.). (2004). Evoked Potentials International Conference XIV. Leipzig Series in Cognitive Sciences 5. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
- Schröger, E., Mecklinger, A., & Widmann, A. (Eds.). (1999). Experimentelle Psychologie. 41. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.